Monday, September 26, 2011

Trying out blogging again.

I had an LJ when I was a junior in high school, but for some reason, I didn't like it very much. It seemed a bit empty and I wanted something more popular, I guess. So that I could connect with more people. So here I am again, trying again on Blogger. I hope I can stick with it this time!

I'm in the bathroom on my iPod right now because I can't seem to get all the pee out. It's a tired day, and I didn't sleep very long because I was downloading things onto my new laptop an talking with Megan briefly, and Tim a little bit more. I think I have a Skype date with Megan tonight, so I can't wait to talk to her! :) I don't get to talk to Megan very much, so it's really nice, when I do get the chance.

I also need to find this little red notebook that my dad gave me a couple of months ago because I want to start writing things that I want to do in life in this notebook. Or maybe I should invest in a smaller notebook. Who knows.

Before I go, I want to talk about a few things, though. I need to get to class early so that I don't have to sit behind my crush. I wish his name was more generic, but it's not, so I'll just call him C. I have English class with him, and we used to sit next to each other until he decided to switch seats a couple of weeks ago. I can't even deal with it. It's so frustrating, watching him from afar. He doesn't even notice me. I'm basically no one to him, and he's every thing to me. Well, not every thing, but pretty fucking important, and I don't even know why. I wish I didn't feel this way. Even when he's a little jerky, i still have these feelings. I often wish I had never met him, or that we could just talk, or that he would just add me back on facebook. But none of these things can be so, and it's terrible.

I think I should leave the bathroom now, though. The scents are becoming too much. Catch you later, Blogger!

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