Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Just another day.

Bleh. I miss my friend being with me in class. I wish she hadn't moved. Now Sociology class is so boring. And not worth attending.
I don't know if I want to go today. I will be so bored. I want to sleep or just chill. This class sux. For real. I might skip it today because it just sucks that much.
In other news, my friend and I made up. Yay. He should have been mad, but he wasn't.
By the way, I never did post a picture of my Halloween costume! I even came to school with it on. 8) I loved it so much! Barely anyone dressed up that day, but I was so glad that I wasn't the only one! :9 I was Wonder Woman from Wonder Woman: Odyssey. I posted 5 pictures here, just so the detail could be seen. :3
Off to boring class, I guess.

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