Monday, March 26, 2012

Boss DJ is stuck in my head.

So today, I talked with my crush's girlfriend and him together. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought...I really thought she didn't like me at first, but she is so nice. She's kind of like me. I don't know. She's one of those people where you talk to them, and you're just like, 'how can I be mad at that?' You can't; that's the answer. It's impossible to be upset. And I was so upset that he picked her instead of me for a long time. But when she laughed at something he had said, it didn't make me sad at all. I could hear her adoration for him in her laugh. And it just made me feel so much better because it made me realize that he's happy, and that they're happy together, which makes me happy, too. And it was just a good feeling and a good moment that I playing back in my head. I just feel so much better than I did before about when I saw him. I used to feel so down after seeing him because all I could think about was the fact that he wasn't mine. But now, it's not like that anymore. And I'm so thankful. :)

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