Friday, October 14, 2011

Pon pon

I'm sooo cold this morning! No one is here in the cafe yet. I wanted to look cute this morning, but I made the wrong decision. Now I'm gonna be cold all day! It's freezing. I even have a cardigan on! :/ And I think I have a toe infection. My big toe is uglier than usual and it hurts, too. I don't know what this means. Sorry, I know. TMI. But it hurts, man.
Let's see, what's been going on this week? Well, on Monday, I skipped Sociology class, but then it turned out that we didn't have class, anyway! It got canceled. I found that out on Wednesday. :P I skipped because i wanted to finish my Keisha Fabo flip book for Mass Communications. It was extra credit, and I did horribly on the test last time. I don't know if I'll do too well on this next one, either. I just found out that we're having a test on Monday!! :( This man is nuts, but I'll do my best! I also to hang out with some people from class and my leading lady, Kier, and I took a test that I just barely passed. I hope to do better next time!! So then, I had to go to English class, where my crush is and I have no friends. Lol, I hate it so much! I assumed that it would be the same old, boring stuff we usually do, but then we were put into groups dependent on what subject we chose. If I'd have known that, I probably would have chosen a different subject so that I could be in a group with C, but something even better happened. I was put in a group with C's friend and a few other really cool and nice people! :) We all got along really well, and I know that I made at least one new friend and a few friendly acquaintances, but who says that they can't be friends at some point, too? I told C's friend (who is SO nice, btw!) that we should talk more! He's a cool guy! Tuesday, I honestly have no idea what I did. Lol. On Wednesday, Kier wasn't there (sobbu sobbu), but I had to write a paper, anyway, and had little to no time to talk at all! I somehow managed to write four pages in less than two hours AND hand it in on time!!! Crazy stuff, right?? But I'm happy! And then, C's friend and I (I don't want to use his name. What should I call him??) talked, and during that time, I got to talk to C, too!! *Spazz spazz spazz spazz* Can you imagine how happy I was to talk to him, even as briefly as I did?? I haven't talked to him in like, a month! And now that his friend and i am friends, it's so easy and not at all awkward! :D Ahh, he is so foinnnneee. After class, his friend and I talked for like, ever! And U even showed him my shirt that says 'I'm here & I'm queer.' Lol. So we went to Wendy's and he got something to eat (and didn't finish and even bought me a chocolate frosty! :9 Too kind, too kind!! And we still talked a LOT! Then, he drove me back to the school and he was talking about his wedding plans and his fiancée, and I was just so happy to hear about someone in a healthy, loving relationship, because a lot if people my age are not experiencing that kind of love or dedication right now, since we're all so young. I just love hearing the good news! Then, I told him that I had a lot of fun and he went to chill for a bit before his next class. I couldn't get over the awesomeness for like, a day! Friends with cars are cooool! Hahaha! Then I went home and did the usual stuff and told Tim all about it via Skype. He thinks C and I would make cute babies. I think he's right but let's not get too ahead of ourselves, here. Lol. I'm just happy we spoke... :) I hope to talk to him even more next week! <3
Now I'm going to post a few pictures from throughout the week.
1: some cream soda I had last Friday was good and then it was ok.
2: Lol, I accidentally got yogurt on my computer and it looked like pink cum... xP
3: New jeans that I'm wearing today! :)
4: my shirt from Wednesday since I didn't have school on Coming Out Day (Tues)
5: my outfit for today! :)

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