Sunday, October 2, 2011

Taking up Space.

Sometimes, I feel like I will amount to nothing, and that all I really seem to do is take up space. Like I'm just a burden that everyone else feels like they are forced to carry.

Sometimes, I feel like, even though I have all these goals and dreams, that I will never actually follow through with any of them, and I'll be stuck doing something that I don't even like for the rest of my life.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm just a really big talker who won't actually walk, because I'm afraid I'll fail, or I'll get stuck in a rut and not know where to go from there.

Other times, I feel like I'm alone, and no one can really relate to me or understand me, and that's why I'm single. And when people do like me, it's because they don't know anything about me, and all they see is a pretty face and a think ass, so I don't want to talk to them. I feel like there's no point in it whatsoever. What is there to gain from a conversation whenever someone can't seem to get past the way that I look?

I really believe that one can accomplish anything if they really put their mind to it, but it can be really difficult sometimes when you're the one struggling to believe that there is some destiny awaiting you and you just can't see it yet because you're crying so much that your tears are making everything look white and foggy, and you feel like you just won't amount to anything in life, even though you want to, very much. All I want is a happy, successful life full of love, but it's really difficult. It's like everything I do is wrong, or not enough. And I'm afraid to take risks and I feel like I just upset everyone. I wish that I could just live alone, so that I wouldn't have to worry about being a bother, but I'm not ready for that yet.

I have a headache from crying my eyes out, so I'm going to go now.

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